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Beef and Blue Cheese Pasties


This recipe is the perfect way of using up left over beef stew. It’s a rich, meaty pasty wrapped up in some buttery pastry with a little blue cheese. The perfect combination! These pasties are perfect for making for the next day or you can pop them into the freezer. Remember, you can use any type of leftover stew with this recipe, be it chicken, beef, pork or lamb. You could even use up some leftover vegetable tagine with a little feta for a cracking Moroccan style pasty.


Makes 8 pasties


For the pastry

500g plain flour
250g margarine or butter 3-4 tbsp cold water

500g cooked beef stew leftovers 100g Blue cheese
2 Eggs beaten


Here’s how:


Pour the flour into a mixing bowl and add the margarine.
Using your finger tips, rub the margarine into the flour to form a crumble mixture. Add the cold water, half at a time, and stir together until it forms a ball of dough. Transfer the pastry onto a floured worktop and knead for 1 minute.
Dust the worktop with a little more flour and roll out to approximately 1/2cm thick. Using a small plate as a template cut out 8 circles of pastry.
Divide the beef stew between each of the pastry disks along with a handful of crumbled blue cheese.
Then brush one half of the circle. Bring the two edges of the pastry together and crimp by squeezing the edges together with your fingertips to form a seal. Transfer the pasties to a non stick baking tray and brush with beaten egg.
Bake in a pre heated oven 170c for 20-25 minutes or until golden and crisp.


Recipe by Peter Sidwell

Beef and Blue Cheese Pasties

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